
By PedroCain

How do you market a tour package?

Tips About Selling Packaged Tourism Products

  • Create a price early, and remain consistent. The price for your package should be established at least a year in advance. When creating a price for the package, be sure to take into consideration all of your operating costs, including equipment, staff, marketing, meals, maintenance and product development.
  • Take into account the commission you will need to pay agents for selling your packaged tourism products. In order to sell your package to the largest audience possible, you will need agents to help you promote your products. Different types of agents will earn varying commissions depending on their place within the distribution network. Commission levels can vary from 10%-30%.
  • Make it all legal. You may even want to work with a lawyer in order to develop the right language for your tour package. You need to provide explicit conditions of the sale of the package, since travel agents will need these legal conditions in place before they can resell your product.
  • Promote your package in order to increase exposure and awareness. One idea to consider is running a familiarization tour, where agents can come to your location and experience your products for themselves. This allows them to better sell your products to their customers and helps promote your brand as a whole.
  • Time it right. You may want to promote your product for your high season when travelers are most likely to arrive at your destination. In addition, you can create an alternative package that helps you increase your bookings during the slow tourism season for your region. Have patience, it can take 2 years or more to see an increase in your profits, but if you package your products correctly, your business will begin growing to the next level.
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